a letter from camp

Mid-March, 2023
KDWC – Writer’s Woodland
(A.K.A. my laptop šŸ˜‰ )

Dear readers,

Howdy yā€™all!

Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve posted. I wasnā€™t planning on taking a breakā€¦ šŸ«£ I apologize. 

A lot has been happening in my life and Iā€™d like to share a little bit of it with yā€™all!


Iā€™m pushing for graduation by the end of this year! šŸŽ‰My focus is on the subjects that my state requires me to learn. While writing time might shrink, I hope to be prepared blog-post-wise. šŸ™‚ 

My struggle has been with science (biology and anatomy). What has made studying science easier for you?  Iā€™m dealing with a textbook and formatted notebook (the Cornell method, I believe?) for biology, but I canā€™t seem to follow the method. Iā€™m experimenting constantly with ways to use the blocks. šŸ˜› 

Iā€™ve discovered a motivating schedule that could bring me to the end of Biology sooner than I expected! By Godā€™s grace, school will get done in His timing. šŸ„°

Also, I hope to be walking, reading, and playing tennis more! šŸŽ¾Writing is nice as a hobby-job, but I probably should have more than one hobby. Especially reading. šŸ˜…


The Kingā€™s Daughtersā€™ Writing Camp (KDWC/Camp) opened March 1st! 

If you donā€™t know what KDWC is, let me explain. Directed by Rebekah A. Morris, itā€™s a virtual writing camp hosted on Slack a few times a year for Christian girls. If youā€™re a girl looking for a motivating and a safe place to fellowship, this is the place! 

The best thing about KDWC: the focus on glorifying Christ, the motivation, the edifying conversations, the friendship, and the adventures. And I really like that the admins have divided up the girls into ā€œtentsā€ (private channels for only a few girls and a couple of Camp Counselorsā€“called Aunties šŸ™‚ ). That way, if the girls in the public channels get rowdy, you have a place to interact with fewer people. Of course, some tents are crazier than others, so the level of calm/crazy varies from tent to tent. šŸ™‚ 

Of course, there are rules for the purpose of emotional and spiritual safety. You can find all of their rules on their site. šŸ™‚ 

While I love adventures and excitement, Iā€™m actually happy that this Camp is a lot quieter than usual. March seems to be a busy time for all of us campers, so itā€™s easier to step away and not worry about missing out on things. And this season of my life isā€¦ different, so quiet is nice. šŸ™‚ 

Are you at KDWC? Iā€™d love to know! Send me a DM and/or, if youā€™re comfortable with doing so, please leave a comment about KDWC down below! ā¤ I’m sure you’ve done an amazing job of writing at Camp! Whatā€™s your favorite part of it? Can you tell me about one of your projects? How much progress have you made? šŸ˜€ Iā€™d love to hear from you! šŸ¤—

I shall now actually update you on my writing progress. šŸ˜œ Iā€™ve made almost 30,000 words in progress. šŸ˜® Thatā€™s 15,000 over my official starting goal, and just a few thousand away from my unofficial goal. I know that wouldnā€™t have been possible without Godā€™s grace and the tent and tent-mates that He blessed me with! šŸ„° 

Now, to be honest, I havenā€™t stuck to my list of projects. (I count just about anything written for stories/blog posts for my goal, though.) I have made significant progress in a patriotic contemporary short story, a new Fall story (that Iā€™m actually supposed to be done with to reward my tent for reaching 100% of our collective goal), and a fan-fiction for my sister. Also, Iā€™ve started writing a couple of writing crawls. Thatā€™s been so much fun. šŸ˜ (Iā€™ll give you a little list of my stories and what theyā€™re about in a bit, if you want to know more. šŸ™‚ )

Iā€™m really having a hard time getting into 3 of my projects. Got any tips on refreshing motivation for old stories? What do you do to make yourself prioritize certain projects? I think if I sit down and force myself to write only in those specific ones, something will come. I justā€¦ donā€™t want to sit down and not write for a while. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøI have been getting some accountability by doing writing crawls, writing sprints, and not getting on electronics before I do some not-so-pleasant tasks. (And if you have any ideas for them if you read my project list, please contact me over here or DM me on KDWC! Iā€™d love to hear from you and get some fresh ideas. šŸ˜ Theyā€™ll be the last 3 on the list. šŸ™‚ )

Accomplishment wise, Iā€™ve completed 2 pieces so far: a short story about a boy and a fish, and a poem about the rain. Iā€™ve edited/typed up/rewritten a couple of blog posts, too! 

For the rest of the month Iā€™d like to focus on completing my Fall story, a Christmas story, and my Independence Day story. Ambitious? Yes. A certain tent-mate is rubbing off on me. šŸ˜‡ Iā€™m really hoping to build a stash of scheduled posts, as well. 

my KDWC projects

Hopefully youā€™ll find this interesting. If you donā€™t, feel free to skip it. šŸ˜„ Iā€™ll try to keep each description short though. If youā€™d like to know more, please ask in the comments! ā¤ Iā€™d love to know which one youā€™d be most interested in reading. šŸ˜€ As a note, all projects except for the writing crawls are fiction. šŸ™‚

  • What They Gave ā€“ a contemporary short story about a young man’s journey to understand his family’s history with the military and his fight with bitterness towards God for letting his family fall into great trials. I hope to submit this to Abigail Kay Harris’ next anthology, Seize the Fight
  • Of Pumpkins and Motorcycles ā€“ a contemporary short story about a girlā€™s broken relationship with her brother. Itā€™s set in a small town for that cozy Hallmark feel, but it doesnā€™t have the romance! šŸ˜€ 
  • Cordially, ShortHand ā€“ a contemporary fan-fiction short story based off of the 2019 Carmen Sandiego show. Itā€™s about a V.I.L.E. operative in hiding, and her meeting with another ā€œwell-knownā€ operative. 
  • Writing Crawls ā€“ special to-do lists that follow a theme (story, animal, activity, book/movie, etc.) that give you writing goals for almost every step of the story. 
  • Love Thy Neighbor ā€“ a historical short story set in 1776, right after the Declaration of Independence has been signed, about a man that is personally debating whether fighting in a war is biblical or not. Can he really love his enemy and point a gun at him? (I also hope to submit this to the Seize the Fight anthology. šŸ™‚ )
  • Bells of Beginnings ā€“ a contemporary Christmas novelette (it was supposed to be a short storyā€¦) about a woman who comes to realize that satisfaction wonā€™tā€“canā€™tā€“come from wealth and ease, but rather from the One who loves her the most. Itā€™s one of the few stories that Iā€™ve set in a big, city-feeling city. 
  • Steveā€™s Story (it will get a better titleā€¦ I hope) ā€“ a genre-less (alternate history, historical fantasy, steampunk-but-not-steampunk) novel about a teenager and his struggle with the Mafia. When his world is turned upside-down, Steve makes new allies to save his dad. Things donā€™t always go as planned, though. 

my questions for you

Now I have something of great importance that Iā€™d like to ask you. Itā€™ll take a bit to explainā€¦

Iā€™m trying to put together a challenge/tag. 

What does that mean?

It will be much like the Get To Know Your Character Tag (created by Anna from Annaā€™s Idea Blog) that I did recently. 

It will be a character interview tag, since I enjoyed Annaā€™s so much! But, Iā€™m hoping it will contain deeper questions. Questions that I hope could possibly spark inspiration for stronger characters. 

How will it be a tag/challenge, though?

The ā€˜tagā€ part will work similar to normal blog tags: at the end of a post, you tag however many people the rules say. The rules will specify what kind of people to tag. 

The ā€œchallengeā€ is to build an entire blog series or file for characters by doing this interview with each of your characters. 

Iā€™m hoping this will help writers develop their characters and fill a reference file of strong characters or give them a template and fun way to share about their writing.

Here are my questions:

  • What questions would you ask your favorite characters?
  • What would you like to know about your favorite characters?
  • What would you like to know about any character?
  • What would you like to know about my characters?

I need your help to make this challenge/tag something youā€™d like to read or participate in. ā¤ šŸ™‚

Iā€™d like to note that, while I asked about your favorite characters, I would appreciate it if you could generalize the questions as much as possible before you submit them. Iā€™m sure that I havenā€™t read every book you have, which means I probably wonā€™t know who/what youā€™re talking about if you send me a super specific question about a characterā€™s background or personality. 

I donā€™t mind rewording or tweaking questions if they can be, though. Also,  I do reserve the right to not include every question you may suggest. šŸ™‚

And if you’d like to keep updated on my writing, the projects I mentioned above, or this tag/challenge idea, please consider subscribing. You’ll get posts sent right to your email!

Itā€™s time that I wrap up this letter. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you have a gorgeous week and another great week of writing, if thatā€™s what you do! šŸ˜€

With love, plot bunnies, and sleep deprivation,

4 thoughts on “a letter from camp

  1. Wow, 30,000 words in progress is AMAZING!!! Great job, Vonnie!!! To answer the questions…

    What questions would you ask your favorite characters? – What scares you more than anything else? What is your idea of perfect happiness?
    What would you like to know about your favorite characters? – What moment in your life do you wish you could relive and why?
    What would you like to know about any character? – What do you consider the most unique thing about you?
    What would you like to know about my characters? – What’s your family like and your relationship with them?

    Lol, I hope those were the kind of questions you were looking for šŸ˜‰ XD Thanks for your post, girl! šŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

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